Thursday, August 6, 2009

What Do You Like?

Keeping fit shouldn't be unpleasant, it shouldn't be a chore. Yes, there are days when you just won't feel like getting up early or getting off the couch in the evening. When it's cold and rainy it's just so much easier to go straight home after work, than stopping at the gym first.

I think the secret is finding something you enjoy doing. Whether it's walking along the beach or going for an easy cycle. Every little thing counts. When I was most overweight, I bought myself a bike. I had always enjoyed "riding bikes" as a child, so it seemed more like fun than exercise. I didn't spend much money on the first bike I bought. When I was cycling more regularly, I decided it would be worth it to invest in a better bike. I traded the first bike in (yes, you can trade them in like cars) and got a better one, which gave a better riding experience and meant that going for a cycle was even more of a pleasure. Still, I didn't spend more than R2500 on the bike (mountain bike) and that is sufficient for the kind of riding that I do. You don't have to spend a fortune on equipment unless you want to do the sport professionally. If you're a novice, all the equipment in the world will not make you look like a pro, it will just make you look silly.

So keep it simple:
1) Find out what you like, so that going out and doing it is not tedious. It could be swimming, cycling or even playing soccer.
2) When you're starting out, don't spend a fortune on equipment that will collect dust in your cupboard in 2 months time and just remind you what a loser you are everytime you look at it.
3) Come to terms with the fact that you're going to be the newbie for a little while, everyone was new at some point.
4) Don't be disheartened if you don't look like the Adidas model on the front cover of Runner's World. I assure you that you look better today than you will in a year's time, if you continue being a couch potato!

It may seem implausible now, but I promise you that in no time at all, you'll look forward to your exercise. If you just find out what you like!


  1. Find what you like?
    What I really like is to sit on the couch and watch tv or play games! :-)
    But I guess that has to come to an end at some point if I'm going to have abs like those Mens Health cover guys!

  2. It's been 3 weeks since the last post... are you guys on leave? :-)

  3. No more posts? Has this project been abandoned?
